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Writer's pictureMichelle Parsons

Delaware Constitution Class for STARS

Updated: Apr 9, 2022

After a winter hiatus, STARS is back! And STARS will be joining forces with the Institute on the Constitution ( and begin a program on the Delaware Constitution! I could not be more pleased to team up with this nationally recognized organization right in our backyard of Sussex County, Delaware. The basic tenets of the Institute on the Constitution AND the Delaware Constitution is that:

  1. There is a God

  2. Our rights come from Him

  3. The purpose of civil government is to secure and to protect our God-given rights

Just as an example of how God was always a part of the Delaware Constitution since its inception in 1776 here is the Preamble to the Delaware Constitution:

Delaware Constitution Preamble

Through Divine goodness, all people have by nature the rights of worshiping and serving their Creator according to the dictates of their consciences, of enjoying and defending life and liberty, of acquiring and protecting reputation and property, and in general of obtaining objects suitable to their condition, without injury by one to another; and as these rights are essential to their welfare, for due exercise thereof, power is inherent in them; and therefore all just authority in the institutions of political society is derived from the people, and established with their consent, to advance their happiness; and they may for this end, as circumstances require, from time to time, alter their Constitution of government.

Why is it important to know our state Constitution? Because without knowing the laws of our state, our state's founding principles can be altered, compromised and plain old ignored. And if you think our representatives, senators and governor know the constitution, you would be wrong. There is no requirement for legislatures, who take an oath and swear to uphold the Delaware Constitution, to actually study, learn and understand our constitution. So unless WE the PEOPLE hold our representatives and our civil government accountable to uphold our constitution, the laws that protect our rights, we would have chaos, and worse, tyranny.

So come join STARS as we embark on this journey of living history of the Delaware Constitution Class under the aegis of the Institute on the Constitution ( and become informed and powerful young citizens!

Our next STARS meeting and first class on the Delaware Constitution is Friday April 29th at 630pm, Fenwick Island, Delaware. Email here for exact location

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Sussex Teenage Republicans

PO Box 388

Georgetown, DE 19947

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