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Gun Rights Rally 5/8/2021 Legislative Hall Dover

The time to fight for our rights is NOW and YOUR presence is requested to attend a peaceful rally at Legislative Hall on Saturday May 8 at 1pm hosted by Delaware State Sportsman's Association (DSSA). It's time to show politicians that we are the majority and that we oppose unconstitutional infringement on our rights to bear arms. Currently the democratic majority in our Delaware legislature is close to passing Senate Bill 3 and Senate Bill 6.

Senate Bill 3 would require a person looking to buy a handgun to first acquire a permit and then take safety courses, at a personal cost to the citizen. This permit would only be valid for 6 months and so would need to be retaken each time one would like to purchase a firearm. Senate Bill 6 would define and ban "large-capacity magazines" as a device with a capacity to accept more than 17 rounds of ammunition. There is also an addendum that would make magazines that have a drop bottom illegal, which would make ALL magazines illegal since they all have this feature for safety purposes. The democrats/socialists/communists have a plan and it does include your right to bear arms and your freedom and your children's freedom.

Both bills passed already through the Delaware Senate with a vote of 13-8 and have been sent to the House. Since Legislative Hall is not open to the public due to the restrictions Governor Carney has placed, the public has not been allowed to participate in dialogue with our representatives, so the democrats have been emboldened to pass laws that they would normally hesitate to introduce because they would normally meet strong resistance from conservative citizens. So instead, the legislature held a zoom meeting to allow citizens to make their voices heard and ask questions. But that is NOT what happened. Zoom attendees were cut off mid sentence and were only allowed a max of 60 SECONDS to speak!! This is NOT how our representative government was designed to work!

"There is no doubt that the sponsors of SB3 and SB6 knew that these two bills would be heavily opposed and that the public would want to comment and let their voices be heard," stated Julianne Murray in an interview.

"The General Assembly is using COVID-19 and the State of Emergency to avoid appearing in person and subjecting themselves to citizens that oppose legislation.

"Citizens must be able to participate in the process in person and directly. To say that one minute via Zoom is an acceptable substitute for in person testimony is absurd." We agree with Julianne Murray!

STARS and STARS parents, it is time to stand up for what is right and not let the democrats get away with this atrocious bill and atrocious behavior by silencing our voices. The rally will be at Legislative Hall at 1pm 5/8/2021 and we will plan to get there by noon. We will have a booth and a tent, so bring lawn chairs and any favorite signs you have. We will rally at Hockers Grocery Store in Clarksville at 11am and will have our own car parade to Dover. We can meet others along the route up to Dover and join in on the Patriotic Parade! This is the start of our Long Game and we intend to WIN!

RSVP to let me know you will be attending!

If you are a teen in Delaware and you would like to get involved with STARS, you can contact us at

If you would like to donate to STARS - thank you!

You can make checks payable to Sussex Teen Age Republicans (STARS)

email for address

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