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Next STARS Meeting January 23rd Millville Community Center

Hello STARS! It has been some time since our last meeting, due to so many scheduling conflicts with our very busy and involved members. In lieu of a dedicated STARS meeting this January, STARS is invited to attend the 38th District Republican Club, PAC regularly scheduled meeting Monday January 23rd, 6:30 p.m., at the Millville Community Center on Dukes Road. This meeting will be VERY informative as our honored guest speaker will the Delaware Senate Minority Leader, Senator Gerald Hocker. Senator Hocker will be discussing the plans for the Republican Caucus this legislative session especially since the progressive democratic party continues to wield its strength in numbers and run rough shod over conservative and common-sense ideals, such as banning gas powered vehicles. Yes, you heard that correctly, democrats don't want you to own a gas-powered car! It is YOU who must stay informed to let your representatives know what you want and expect from their leadership in our state, and remember this is YOUR state, YOUR future! No, you cannot just plan to move away from Delaware, because what is happening in Delaware is occurring everywhere. You must make your stand, here, now. So let your conservative minded fellow teens know, to come to this meeting, and join the Delaware State Teenage Republican Caucus!!

Current Topics you need to know about

  • DNREC Gas powered vehicle ban and now plans to ban gas stoves?

  • What further action can we take other than to email Kyle Krall of DNREC?

  • Governor Carney extended the Delaware State of Emergency AGAIN

  • DE Democrats are hypocritical racists – Democrat House Majority Leader Valerie Maglio Longhurst calls her colleague, Rep. Minor Brown “colored.” Link to the video FB page here:

  • DE democrats are refusing to swear or affirm on a bible, instead choosing their favorite books. Senator Pinkney chose “The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois”

  • Federal House Republicans vote to repeal funding 87,000 new IRS agents.

  • House oversight committee to probe China money to PennBiden Center.

  • Brunson Case – SCOTUS declined to hear case.

  • We are now seeing some of the consequences of the danger of windfarms with the dramatic increase in whale deaths of the coast of NJ

To learn more and contribute YOUR concerns, come to this Republican meeting!

Do you live in Sussex County Delaware and are a teen who is interested in conservative value and responsible government? Then come to our next meeting! Our next meeting will be held on Monday, January 23rd 630pm at the Millville Community Center, on 32517 Dukes Road, Millville. Our club is open to new members who support Republican ideals.

Join Sussex Teenage Republicans

We meet monthly for meetings or events, please email for location


We welcome your support as we teach Sussex teens conservative values and responsible government.

Makes check payable to:

Sussex Teenage Republicans

PO Box 388

Georgetown, DE 19947

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