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Writer's pictureSTARS

STARS Marches in Sea Witch Parade

This Saturday the Sussex Teenage Republicans made a big public splash at the biggest event in Sussex County, the Sea Witch Festival and Parade in Rehoboth Beach this October 30th. STARS, along with the Sussex County Republican Party, gathered together at Renove Med Spa on the avenue, which hosted the GOP marchers with coffee, doughnuts and snacks, to prepare for the parade by decorating their float with the individual Bill of Rights signs, US flags, and donning costumes of figures from history and t shirts with the constitution.

STARS proudly walked with our new banner along the parade route to many cheers and expressions of support from the onlooking parade watchers and handed out candy and pocket constitutions along the route. STARS was also joined by Lee Murphy, candidate for US Congress!

Marching in Sea Witch was a great way to let other teens in the area know our group exists and that if they have conservative views they are not alone and STARS will certainly march again next year! The next event for STARS will be Wreaths Across America to be held at Delaware Veterans Cemetery, Millsboro, December 18th.

Join Sussex Teenage Republicans

We meet monthly for meetings or events, please email for location


Do you think it is important to teach our kids about our constitution and conservative values? Please consider letting others know about this group and consider donating and save our country, one mind at at time!

Makes check payable to :

Sussex Teenage Republicans

PO Box 388

Georgetown, DE 19947

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